Thursday, October 29, 2009


あしたのごご7じに DPACで YAMATOのパフォーマンスがありますよ。 だれか いきますか? わたしは ともだちといっしょに いきますよ。YAMATOは 日本のたいこ(drum)のグループです。ビデオをみて下さい。 すごいですね!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


こんしゅうのもくようびに、Japan ClubとJapanese ProgramのMovie Nightがありますよ。

10/29(もくようび) ごご9じ〜 @CSLC

宮崎(みやざき)の「がけの上のポニョ」をみます。えいごのじまく(subtitles)が ありますから、きてくださいね。

Friday, October 16, 2009


きょうのクラスで、うただヒカルの「ぼくはくま」を ききましたね。とてもかわいいうた(song)ですね。どうぞ。


Monday, October 12, 2009

ブログプロジェクトの Evaluation Criteria

Based on our discussion on 10/6 and 10/9, here is a summary of 'what makes a good blog'. 
  • Language... Effort to use Japanese, Complex sentences,                          A balanced amount of Japanese and English
  • Content... Creative, Interesting, Exciting, Engaging                               readers, Music, Pictures, Videos
  • Layout... Clear, Visually appealing, Simple, Fun, Neatly                        designed, Different, Colorful, Not too distracting,                    Easy to read
  • Frequency... At least once a week
  • Communication... Responding to comments/questions, Effort                          to use Japanese to write comments,                                    Frequent commenting, Maintaining interaction

Monday, October 5, 2009

ブログアクティビティー...10/6 かようび @CSLC

(1) Discuss ‘what makes a good blog’ in groups.
  • Language?
  • Content?  
  • Comments?
  • Layout?
  • Frequency?
  • Other?
(2) Post the result of your discussion in the comment column.

p.s. すみません for those internet troubles in class this morning. I have posted the result which everyone sent me by e-mail. よんでください。

Friday, October 2, 2009


このひとの なまえは、ベッツィーさんです。ベッツィーさんは、ノートルダムだいがくのCSLCで しごと(job) を しています。たいてい ごぜん CSLCに いますが、ときどき ごごも いますよ。ベッツィーさんは にほんで   えいごを おしえました(to teach)。 これは ベッツィーさんの にほんの けいけん(experience)のエッセイです。よんでください。

Hana-sensee asked me to share my experiences living and working in Japan, so I have written the very short account below. I focused on the points that I think might be most useful to you if you want to live and work there, too. However, I would be happy to share more about my experience, including the details of my work, accommodations, social life, and Japanese language development, especially if you have specific questions.

I started studying Japanese when I was a junior in college, and I enjoyed it right away. I was only about a month into Japanese 101 when I decided to apply for a summer internship through JETRO, the Japan External Trade Organization. (Unfortunately,this program seems to have been discontinued.)

I loved my three months in Japan, so I decided to go back and work in Japan after I graduated. I applied for the JET Program, but did not get in. I know many people who did participate in this program, however, and I would highly recommend applying if you are interested. I also applied and was accepted for Princeton in Asia, which sends interns to countries throughout Asia (and is open to graduates from all schools, not only Princeton).

As an intern, I worked in a pharmaceutical company in the heart of Tokyo. My job was to teach English to the employees and proofread documents that they wrote in English. After a year there, I found another job, advertised in the Japan Times, at a company called Kurdyla and Associates. I did the same sort of work for this company - teaching English and rewriting documents.

My husband also lived and worked in Japan with me. However, he came about a year after I did, and to get a working visa, he applied to Aeon and Nova, which are both eikaiwa, or English language schools. He ended up working for Nova, which is no longer in business, for only a few months before joining me at Kurdyla and Associates. These eikaiwa are not great places to work long term because the hours are odd and the pay is not great. However, they will give you a working visa and a living wage, and they will help you find housing, so they may be a good option if living in Japan is your main goal.

どうでしたか? みなさん、CSLCに いって、ベッツィーさんに あって (to meet)くださいね。このしゃしん(photo)は ベッツィーさんの とうきょうのアパートの ちかくです。

Thursday, October 1, 2009

ブログのしゅくだい...due 10/5 げつようび

こんしゅうまつの ブログのしゅくだいです。
1. Read your previous posts and make corrections on errors(spelling, tense, particles, etc.)
2. Read the comments of the people who commented on your blog. Respond if you feel necessary.
blog template by