Monday, October 5, 2009

ブログアクティビティー...10/6 かようび @CSLC

(1) Discuss ‘what makes a good blog’ in groups.
  • Language?
  • Content?  
  • Comments?
  • Layout?
  • Frequency?
  • Other?
(2) Post the result of your discussion in the comment column.

p.s. すみません for those internet troubles in class this morning. I have posted the result which everyone sent me by e-mail. よんでください。


Hana said...

We thought that posting at least once a week is important, if not more often, to keep the blog interesting. Also, keeping the blog mostly in Japanese is important. The content should be interesting so that people will want to write comments and ask questions. Finally, we thought that the layout should be fun to look at, but shouldn’t be too distracting.


Hana said...

Good blog:

Frequency- more than the hw assignments. So like 2-3 times a week

Content- anything you want. How you are feeling, what you did that day, your interests, etc etc

Language- because we do not have a mastery of English, to encourage the use of Japanese and to encourage more frequent postings, using English and Japanese is probably good.

Comments- commenting on the original post is easier to keep things organized….but at the same time, no one is really following a blog yet so it is understandable that one probably won’t get a reply if they don’t post on the comment owner’s blog.

Layout- visually appealing is most important. It can be simple. Just as long as it’s not hard to read things and it still looks very nice, layout is whatever one wants to do.


Hana said...

By Alconcel and Crews-san (:

Language: Uses Japanese, but also includes some explanations in English.

Content: Rather than writing a boring post (even if your topic is boring), try to engage your readers by including something interesting or trying to make your post interesting.

Comments: Show some love; comment us back. <3

Layout: Most of us aren't tech geeks, so layout isn't as important as content, but a nice layout would definitely be extra brownie points. Just make sure the writing on your blog is legible (e.g. no black text on a black background).

Frequency: Write as much and as often as you want to, and we'll read as much as we want to, but don't just post once a month or else we'll think you're dead. And then go to your dorm and steal your stuff.

Other?: Music, videos, and pictures are nice. <3

Hana said...

It's good (and necessary) to use both Japanese and English, since we
cannot yet express everything we want to in Japanese.
Replying to other peoples' blogs is good.
Having videos is good and makes the posts more interesting.
Creativity is good -- it's boring if all posts have the exact same content.
Custom layouts also make the blog more interesting-- having a picture
in the background, or a different color scheme.
Updating somewhat regularly is good because then the blog can be a
record of your progress.

-ランダース、 ハバメル、 スチイーブンソン

Hana said...

Allen, Ferreira, Dohopolski

The person's point should be adequately expressed. Some english should be allowed as long as the person has made an honest attempt with using Japanese.

The content should very a bit. It shouldnt just be writing. It should have pictures and videos, if applicable, as well.

There should be an honest attempt at trying to keep meaningful contact with another if the comments are worth commenting back. One should try to answer questions and things of that sort.

The layout should be clear. It doesnt need to be distracting.

Once a week should be good. This gives sufficient time to allow events to occur. More frequency is encouraged but shouldnt be necessary.

The length should have to be long. Some people dont like saying everything that happens to them. People should just be required to reveal what they feel comfortable with.

Hana said...

--> We believe that the content is the most important part of a good blog. It makes the blog personal and allows other in the class to get to know you better. It is also good to go beyond the homework, and make posts that are about things other than the assigned homework.

--> Don't use complicated words that noone else will know. Using a online translator to put something in Japanese will not help you learn

--> For the layout, it is very good to have pictures and video thinks. It makes your blog interesting and easy to look at. It would also be good if everyone put a profile picture on their blog. That way, you can put a face to the name and know whose blog it is.

--> Frequency, 1-2 times a week, or anything you find interesting or exciting.

--> Comments: Everyone should make a good effort to use some Japanese in their comments, and make an effort to respond to the comments. The comments should have some substance.

Kyle M, JiaYi L, Dorotthy W, Se Hiun Seo, Ha

Hana said...

Language/ Content

· Needs to be effort to engage the reader. Though this is limited for the class blog it is still possible to include extra details and more complex sentences.

· Using Japanese is important because it allows the reader to practice the language as well.

· While (at least for me) grammar mistakes aren’t really irritating, I do think the writer should put a reasonable amount of thought into the post- that makes it more interesting.


· The writer should respond to comments made on his blog- helps with conversation skills.


· The blog should be more than just text- like adding pictures or video or at least making the layout more interesting. I doesn’t need to be crowded, just different.


· The writer should post regularly. The posts don’t all have to be formal and with a detailed point but posting regularly lets the reader know the writer is still adding entries.

Davis Rhorer, Jr.とクラスメート?

Hana said...

I believe that all that you listed helps make a great blog. However, one needs to captivate the person reading the blog, so videos should be an essential part of that success, especially J-Pop songs that not too many hear about, but are great to listen to. Come right down to it, one needs to make sure they write interesting things. Content is vital, as no matter how great a layout looks or how often you comment back, if the content is not good, then people will not come back.

Hana said...

I discussed with Choi san

Language: Written mainly in Japanese, sometimes English (we should try to write in Japanese)
Content: Posts that shows student's interest in Japanese culture. also, we should post something that we are interested in rather than post something just for the assignment
Comment: Good blogs should have many comments (in Japanese) which show active communication between students
Layout: Neatly and creatively designed
Frequency: Once a week will be enough

Hana said...

A good blog attracts readers with good content. The post topics, pictures, and videos should reflect the blogger’s hobbies and views. Interesting posts—which should also include a good amount of にほんご—will lead to good commenting and good discussions between bloggers. Maintaining interaction is key.

The layout plays a big part in making a good blog as well. The blog page should be easy to read, with pictures and videos complementing the posts.


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